The new untranslated items are located in the Missing section of the text file. To locate the items to be translated, open the previously saved text file.
Now translate the new strings of the language file. Save this information to the text file using the context menu command: The new strings which should be translated are shown here. Press Next several times until you see the last wizard step titled Merging Result. In the window that appears, select Language N1 at the left and press Add:. In the file dialog, specify the OldVersion_Translated.sib.
In TsiLang SIL Editor, select the Merge command:. First open NewVersion_Untranslated.sib in TsiLang SIL Editor. Next, import all the already translated strings from OldVersion_Translated.sib to NewVersion_Untranslated.sib so that the latter would have all strings translated except ones that appeared in the new program version. Save it under the name OldVersion_Translated.sib, for example. You should find it in the Available translations column of the table. Download the language file with all translated strings of the previous program version. Save it under any name, for example NewVersion_Untranslated.sib.
Download the language file with the untranslated (English) strings for the latest program version from the table above by clicking Download for version X.Y. (to the top) If you are updating a translation when a new version is out Follow these steps: